Tuesday 1 January 2013

tonight i'm getting over you-Carly Rae Jepsen

hi..arini terasa nk update dua kali la pulak..Miss Noora nk luahkan perasaan ckit kt cni..rase hati ni x tenang je..x blh nk luah kan sraight forward sb takut de yang terasa atau marah..tp Miss Noora rs sayu je skrg ni..

cinta..satu perkataan yang kuat..mendalam..tp korang semua pnh rase x?..cinta yang btul2, yang xtipu py..Miss Noora pn pnh brcinta tp xde yg kekal(klu kekal dh kawen pun kan)..mcmane kita nak tau org tu sayang kite mcm kite syg die?..sb kalau kite ty msti dpt jawapan yang kite nk dgr kan..tp kite nak tau yang btul2 dlm fikiran die..

haisshh..Miss Noora ni mmg jenis setia glerrr..nak cari pasangan yang setia ni mmg susah..tp bkan 2 masalahnye, yang mcm kecik ati 2 bile org tu mcm xberminat je nk amik tau pasl kite..mcm bertepuk sblh tgn je..

sayang 2 mmg sayang..kdg2 tension gak kan..i'm trying to make it work between us..tp mungkin gak salah diri sendiri bile trlalu clingy.. haihh..(mengeluh lg ni), ape nk wat?..

sabar dan terus menunggu?..yes, that might be the right thing to do..


mungkin benda yang trbaik ialah berpisah sementara..tp ble x brhububg rase mcm dlm kemurungan je..serius sgt dh Miss Noora ni..
any suggestions?..pls..

 tp part clingy tu pd Miss Noora okay..i2 maknanye die mmg syg giler la kat kite.. :)

i n.e.e.d h.e.l.p!!

Myths or Maybe Not

hola..how are you guys doing?.hope everyone is doing just wonderful..

alright, like i had promised earlier on my 1st update that i will try to write in English and Bahasa Melayu..soooooooo, here it is..

okay, arini Miss Noora nk ckp pasal 'mata berkedip'..tak kisah la belah mane pn, janji mata la yang berkedip tu..sebelum Miss Noora wat update ni, sempat gak la g 'google' pasal mata2 ni..heehee..dan kebanyakannye mmg ckp benda yang sama la..ade dua kesimpulan dari kes mata berkedip ni..1 - saintifik punya penjelasan dan 2- ikut ckp org2 tua kita..

kalau ikut penjelasan saintifik ni, Miss Noora dpt tau ade kejadian yang di panggil 'Myokymia'..Myokymia ni ialah sesuatu fenomena bile mata tu bergetar atau bergerak2 tanpa kawalan..tak kira la sama ade kelopak mata atas atau bawah..kirenya kalau korang tgk kt cermin tu, nampak la mata korang bergerak2/berkedip.. tapi myokymia ni pun ade gak sebab dia trjadi.. antaranya ialah pengambilan caffeine yang banyak, tahap kebimbannagn yang melampau, letih, tekanan, overwork, terdedah kepada komputer/t.v, dan tidur yang x mencukupi... penggunaan dadah/ubatan gak blh jadi sb berlakunya myokymia ni..

dan sb yang ke dua ni tadi ialah mitos orang2 tua kita ni..diaorang ckp klu mata yang berkedip tu belah kanan kira akn berlaku benda2 yang baik la, tp kalau belah kiri yang berkedip jd sebaliknye la..contohnye mcm yang Miss Noora dengar setakat ni, mata kanan berkedip tanda2 nk dapat duit/durian runtuh atau nak jumpa seseorang yang kita suke(auww) dan kalau mata belah kiri lak mungkin ada kematian atau benda2 yang x elok..

seriously, mata Miss Noora pnah berkedip dua2 belah..dan yang paling baru dlm 2 minggu lepas la kalau x salah..mata kanan yang berkedip 2..mula2 risau gak tp jd seronok lak bile fikir mungkin jumpa orang yang Miss Noora suke..but, nothing happened..sebabnye?..

semua yang berlaku kt dunia ni kehendak ALLAH ..kite mampu merancang tp ALLAH yang tentukan..ape yang Miss Noora nk gtau kt sini ialah dalam berseronok tu ade gak serius nye kan..klu nk pecaye cakap orang2 tua ni x salah pn cuma jgn trlalu taksub la kan.. nanti bile jadi laen susah lak..

okay la, setakat ni je la celoteh Miss Noora utk kali ni..jmpa laen kali ye..
bye dolls..

Sunday 23 December 2012

The Movie Of The Year (for me)

hola como estas..

hope you guys are doing lovely this week..because i'm not..hahaha..just kidding..well, i've been racking my brains thinking about what i should post on here for you guys....and finally it came to me..i'm going to talk about the film that everyone is talking about right now..the film that manage to break the December box-office record..although failing to cross the $100 million on the opening weekend but managed to earned $84.8 million in the states..yes, i'm talking about 'The Hobbit'..

anyone who had watched 'The Lord Of The Rings' would be familliar with this line of story..this movie is about..well, maybe you guys should go and watch the movie instead of me telling them to you..believe me it's worth all the time and money spend if you do go and catch it on the cinema..

it's a really awesome movie..it's actually fun to see the dwarves too.. i would watch it again if i was given the chance..really, i would..and you know why?..

it's because of this guy.. swoooooon !!! <3

well, before i actually watch the movie, i read the novel first..and, yes..they or should i say Peter Jackson added up a lot of scenes and characters in 'The Hobbit : The Unexpected Journey' ..of course he had to if he wanted to make a trilogy movie out of a single book..
  love the book..love the movie..simply can't wait for 'The Desolation Of Smaug' and 'There And Back Again' but i have to wait until the end of next year and the year after that..sigh..well, no use complaining..a good movie takes time, right..

well, i guess that's about it then..i'll be off but fear not cause i'll be back again.. bubye dolls..

Thursday 13 December 2012

Holla!! this is my first post on this newly create blog of mine(although i used to have one before).honestly i don't know what to write here, but i guess i'll just tell you guys what i intended to share on this blog..hope you guys will bear with me..

first of all, i'll try to be a dual language blog so you guys can read them easily..and secondly, i'll talk about my life, my interest, or anything that's nice to share..i will not hold back my feelings here..

ooo..how rude of me..i hadn't introduce myself..i'm noora, or you can call me miss noora.. ^0^
i gusess that's all for now..bye dolls..(i'll be friendly..i promise :D)